Virtual bank and stock exchange

The College of Commerce owns the first bank and virtual stock exchange at the level of Egyptian universities aiming to train students on stock exchange business and banking transactions on the ground to offer a qualified graduate suitable for the local and international labor market ...
Distinguished programs

The Faculty of Commerce at Mansoura University is distinguished by its distinguished education programs at the undergraduate level, such as the English language study program, the credit-hour economics program, in addition to the professional study programs for the postgraduate stage represented by the professional master's MBA and the professional doctorate DBA ...
Important announcements
28 January 2023
Announcing the result of the first semester (2022-2023)
24 September 2022
why to choose MBA?
Smart services at the College of Commerce
The Mansoura College of Commerce uses many smart systems to serve students, faculty members, and workers
Latest News
Statistics for the academic year 2023-2024
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Teaching staff
The workers