Important rules for students

Bachelor's degree:

Upon the request of the College of Commerce Board, Mansoura University grants a bachelor’s degree in one of the following specializations:

1- Accounting.                                              2- Business Administration.

3- Economy.                                                 4- Applied statistics and insurance.

The period of study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in commerce is four academic years, including eight semesters, divided into two semesters per academic year.

The specialization is in the third year, where there is the Division of Accounting and Business Administration, Division of Economics, and Division of Applied Statistics and Insurance.

In the fourth year, the Division of Accounting and Business Administration is divided into two divisions (Accounting Division and Business Administration Division) and each of the Economics Division and the Division of Applied Statistics and Insurance continue.

Rules for enrolment in the bachelor's level:

In the undergraduate study, the college includes regular and affiliation enrolment programs directed in Arabic as well as English program in addition to the open education program.

Students are admitted to the college in one of the following ways:

  • Nomination is through the main coordination office for students who have obtained high school.
  • Egyptian students with high school diplomas from Arab and foreign countries are nominated through the main coordination office.
  • Graduates of the Commercial Technical Institute with a general grade of "very good" and are admitted to the second year as regular enrolment.
  • Graduates of the commercial secondary school (five-year system) and candidates from the Coordination Office for Technical Diplomas are admitted to the second year.
  • Graduates of the Technical Commercial Institute with a grade of "good or acceptable" and have successfully passed the equivalency examination that is held at the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University every year, and they are distributed to the colleges of commerce in the universities.
  • Students with higher qualifications other than a Bachelor of Commerce are admitted to the college through the University Coordination Office with the Direct Affiliation System.
  • Students coming from sisterly Arab countries who are nominated by the Expatriates Department at the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • After nominating the student for admission to the college, the student is not considered enrolled in the college till conducting a medical examination at the university’s medical department, paying the prescribed tuition fees and extracting the university card.

Rules for transfer of registration between colleges:

A decision is issued by the Supreme Council of Universities and its rules are as follows:

First: with regard to the rules of transfer and the transfer of registration between the corresponding colleges for the first year, as follows:

  1. Student has obtained the minimum total of grades accepted in the college to which the transfer or registration is to be transferred.
  2. Student's desire to transfer or transfer enrolment in a college that has no equivalent in his governorate, and that he attains the minimum that he accepted to the college to which the transfer or registration is to be transferred.
  3. Student must fulfil the conditions of geographical distribution established in this regard.

Second: With regard to the rules of transfer and transfer of enrolment between the corresponding colleges for a higher class than the first or preparatory group, as follows:

  1. The transfer between the corresponding colleges of the universities be centralized at the level of each university.
  2. The student must has passed with an acceptable grade at least in the college from which he is transferred.
  3. The percentage of those transferred shall not exceed 20% of the number of students enrolled in the class to which transfer is required, in accordance with general rules announced in each college.
  4. The priority for transfer should be among the applicants for students with higher grades.
  5. Applications to transfer students between the corresponding faculties may not be accepted after a month has passed from the start of the study.
  6. It is not permissible to impose any material compensation on students wishing to transfer between the corresponding faculties.

Important note:

Colleges terminate transfers of old students before the start of the academic year, and for new students, transfers end fifteen days after the start of the study.

Rules for disciplining students:

A disciplinary violation is every violation of the rules, laws, regulations, and university traditions, especially:

  1. Violating the college and university facilities system.
  2. Disruption of studies, incitement, or abstention from attending lessons, lectures, or university work that the regulations require to follow.
  3. Every act that is contrary to honour or dignity, or breaches good conduct and behaviour inside and outside the university.
  4. Every breach of the exam system or the necessary calm for it, and every cheating in the exam or its initiation.
  5. Any destruction or destruction of facilities, equipment, or university books.
  6. Every organization of universities within the university or participation in it without prior authorization from the university authorities.
  7. Distributing flyers or issuing wall papers in any form in colleges or collecting signatures without prior authorization from university authorities.
  8. A sit-in inside university buildings or participating in demonstrations disturbing public order.

The disciplinary penalties that can be imposed on students are as follows:

  1. The alert is verbal or written.
  2. Deprivation of some services.
  3. Deprivation of attending the lessons of one of the courses for a period not exceeding one month.
  4. Dismissal from college for a period not exceeding one month.
  5. Deprivation of the exam in one or more courses.
  6. Cancelling the student's examination in one or more courses.
  7. Denial of the examination in one or more semesters.
  8. Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding one semester.
  9. Final dismissal from the university. The dismissal decision is notified to other universities.

The rules of apology for not taking the exam:

First: pathological excuses:

  1. The consideration of sick excuses shall be within the competence of the medical committee of the medical administration at the university, and the committee may consult specialists at the university hospital or the students ’hospital in cases that need consultation.
  2. As for psychiatric diseases, it is presented to a tripartite committee formed by the faculty of Medicine chosen by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and the certificates issued by public or central government hospitals or public health institutions hospitals are presented to the medical committee. Medical certificates received from abroad are also presented to the medical committee, provided that they are Certified by the Egyptian Consulate and its doctor if found, and medical certificates issued by doctors or private hospitals are not considered.
  3. The request for an apology for not entering the exam is submitted before the start of the exam or during it or within two days at most from the date of the end. Any request submitted after this date is not considered, and the application is submitted in the name of the dean of the faculty and is deposited either by hand or in the college archive or sent to the college by registered mail accompanied by knowledge Access and no attention will be paid to any request submitted other than these two methods.
  4. Upon the arrival of the application, the Student Affairs Department at the College notifies the Medical Department as well as the student to apply to the Medical Department at the same day.
  5. Sickness excuses must be decided upon, a medical report must be drawn up, and student affairs and the system, supervision and examination committees must be notified in the faculties as soon as possible and before the examination results are announced with sufficient time.
  6. If the disease occurred during the exam, the student will be subject to medical examination and the medical report will be issued immediately under the supervision of central government hospital or public health institution in the place of residence and he must reside in the hospital and notify the college immediately with a certificate includes the name of the hospital signed by the attending physician stating by his name and specialization. The college transfers papers to the committee to look into the medical condition.
  7. It is not permissible to form patient examination committees except at the college’s headquarters.
  8. The Dean of the College is responsible for examining the grievances submitted by the medical committee’s decisions.
  9. The number of satisfactory excuses for not taking the exam may not exceed twice during the years of study, to be added to it for a third time by a decision of the Council of Education and Student Affairs authorizing the University Council, in accordance with (act 80) of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law.

The documents required to obtain an objection request for exam performance are as follows:

  • Request on behalf of Dean of the College.
  • Documents showing the reason for the excuse or a medical report.

Second: social excuses:

The student is to be instructed to request not to take the exam socially, to explain this excuse to obtain official papers, and any papers, documents, or official documents are not considered in this.

  1. Personal excuses shall be subject to the provisions stipulated in Clauses 10.4.2 of (A) the clause regarding sick excuses.
  2. The assessment of the reasons for stopping the enrolment or an apology for not taking the exam for a social excuse is within the competence of the College Board or the Council of Education and Student Affairs at the university, each within the limits of his competence, after studying the circumstances and circumstances surrounding each case separately.

Kindness rules:

The rules of compassion change for students of the year ...

First: The student who fails or fails to do so within the limits of 3% of the total of the grades of the subjects in which he took the exam, together with reparation for the fracture in favour of the student, shall be distributed among the courses in which he has failed, so that what is added to one subject does not exceed 15% of the final grades of the subject.

Second: To apply the rules of compassion, it is required to change the student’s status from failure to transfer with one or two subjects failing or complete success, or from transferring with failure to complete success or to entering the second-round exam (November session) or obtaining additional opportunities to enter the exam.

Third: The rules of compassion are applied to the results of the two semesters together, so that the condition mentioned in Clause Two can be fulfilled.

Fourth: Students exposed to final dismissal and did not benefit from the application of the previous rules, the following will apply to them:

  • The student who is exposed to the final semester is compelled within the range of 6% of the total grades for the subjects in which he took the exam, so that what is added in one subject does not exceed 20% of the final grade of the subject in order to transfer them with two subjects lagging.
  • The final year student who is exposed to dismissal is compelled to fail in more than half of the course’s subjects within the range of 6% of the total score for the subjects in which he has taken the exam, so that what is added in one subject does not exceed 20% of the final grade of the course to obtain additional opportunities to enter the exam.

Exam entry opportunities:


Duration of stay


First level

Two years inside

He will be dismissed from the college.

Second level

Two years

He has the right to enter the examination from abroad once

Third level

Two years

He has the right to enter the examination from abroad three times.

Fourth level

Two years

He has the right to enter the examination from abroad three times.


Note: If the student fails in the final group in no more than half of the courses of this division regardless of the different courses from previous levels, he is authorized in the exam until he succusses.

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