About the Program

The program qualifies the student to work in banks and financial institutions ...

Obtaining a bachelor's degree in finance and Economics equivalent to studying in foreign universities ...

The program has a simulation to banks and stock exchange ...

In order to expand the strategy of the Faculty of Commerce and its compatibility with Vision 2030, the (Finance and Economics Program) was opened to be the first credit hours program in the Egyptian universities. This program qualifies bachelor’s holders to work in banks, insurance companies and investment companies and to understand how to manage financial institutions, financial markets and various financial intermediaries, in order to cope with the continuous global developments and trends in finance and business world.  

The Faculty of Commerce seeks to provide a supportive environment for teaching, learning and scientific research, which qualifies it to lead commerce faculties in the Egyptian and Arab universities.

The Faculty of Commerce offers a study program to obtain a bachelor's degree in finance and economics to cope with the rapid developments in the world considering the faculty's vision that seeks to achieve leadership in education, research, and service in all in all educational, research and community service fields.


Study Regulations: 

1- The study period to obtain a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics is four academic years (four levels of study) divided into eight semesters with a total of 158 credit hours and the study can be completed in 3 and half years.

  1. The system of study is following the credit hours systems and the semester system. This system is based on the following principles:


  • Credit hours: It is a measurement unit of study used to determine the weight of each course in relation to the other courses, and it is equivalent to a theoretical lecture lasting one hour per week for one semester, and equivalent also to applications or practical lessons of two hours per week during one semester.
  • The semester: The duration of one semester is sixteen weeks, including the semester final exams.
  • The academic year: The academic year consists of two semesters.
  • Some courses can be offered in the summer semester of six to eight weeks of intensive study.
  • The program offers study in both Arabic and English languages.

Admission Rules:

  • • Students who have obtained a high school diploma in its two divisions are accepted according to the Universities Regulation Law.
  • • Transferring students who are enrolled in the colleges of Egyptian or foreign universities or any scientific institute recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities can be accepted.

Student Evaluation System

Score Percentage


Grade Symbol


More than 90%

5 – 6



Less than 90% - 80%

Less than 5 – 4


Very Good

Less than 80% - 65%

Less than 4 – 2.5



Less than 65% - 50%

Less than 2.5 – 1



Less than 50%

Less than 1 – 0











Note: Every 1% is equivalent to 0.1 point

Connect with us en

Al-Gomhoria Street, Mansoura University,

Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

  • dummy 2203013 50 20+

  • dummy2202049 50 20+

  • dummy comfac@mans.edu.eg

  • dummy Comussaoffice@mans.edu.eg

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