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drtareq44Tarek Ghalwash


Mansoura University – Faculty of Commerce

Department of Economics

3551 Manosura – Egypt

Tel: +201006671660                                                                                                                               

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Ph.D., Economics- (Econometric ), University of Umea- Department of Economics, Sweden, 2006
  • M.Sc., Economics, Mansoura University, Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura, Egypt, 1997
  • B. Sc., Economics, Mansoura University, Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura, Egypt, 19900

Work Experience :


  • Professor of Economics and Dean of faculty of commerce -Mansoura University , Egypt (2021- Till now).

  • Professor of Economics and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs -Mansoura University – Faculty of Commerce, Egypt (2018- 2021).

  • Professor of Economics and head of the department, Mansoura University – Faculty of Commerce, Egypt (2017- Till now).

  • Visiting professor of Economics, Economic Department, Umea University, Umea, Sweden (2016).

  • Associate Professor of Economics and head of the department, Mansoura University – Faculty of Commerce, Egypt (2015- Till now).

  • Acadamic coordinator of English program, faculty of commerce, Mansoura University, Egypt (2015-Till Now).

  • Visiting professor of Economics, Fogelman Business school, Memphis University

USA (2014). 

  • Coordinator of economic Phase, Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO), OECD, France(2010-2012)

  • Consultant and manger for the Accreditation Maintenance Unit at the College of Commerce-Mansoura university ( 2007 -2009)

  • Assistant Professor of Economics, Mansoura University – Faculty of Commerce (2006- 2010)

  • Ph.D Candidate at the Department of Economics, University of Umea -Sweden (2001-2006)

  • Researcher in  Economics, University of Umea –Department of Economics, Sweden (2002-2006)

  • Research assistant and  Lecturer assistant at department of Economics, Mansoura University, Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura, Egypt,(1990-2001)

Publications :

  • Articles:
  • Brännlund, R., Ghalwash, T. and Nordström, J. (2007). Increased Energy Efficiency and the Rebound Effect: Effects on Consumption and Emissions. Energy Economics.Vol 29,No1 January 2007 .      

  • Ghalwash, T. (2007). Energy Taxes as a Signaling Device: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Preferences. Energ Policy.Vol 35, No1 January 2007.

  • Ghalwash, T. (2008). Demand for Environmental Qualtiy: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Sweden Environmental and Resource Economics journal, Volume 41,No 1 / September, 2008

  • Brännlund, R., Ghalwash, T(2008). The income-pollution relationship and the role of income distribution Evidence from Swedish household data. Resource and Energy EconomicsVolume 30, Issue 3, August 2008, Pages 369-387

  • Ghalwash, T.(2010). Inflation targeting regime in Egypt: A Feasible option? Modern Ecopnomy Journal, Volume 2,2010.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2011). In-kind versus Cash Transfer for developing countries , Egypt Case. Arab Economic Journal,No53-54, 2011.

  • Ghalwash, T(2012). Causal Link Between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Egypt. Journal of International Business and Finance (JIBF). Vol 4, No 1, January-June 2012.

  • Ghalwash, T(2012). Productivity and Economic Growth (1960-2010). The Egyptian journal for Commercial Studies, Vol 36, No2 .

  • Ghalwash, T(2013). The Relationship Between Terrorism and Economic Growth in Egypt. The Egyptian journal for Commercial Studies, Vol 37, No1.

  • Ghalwash, T (2014).Corruption and Economic Growth; Evidence from Egypt.  Modern Economy Journal. Vo l3, No5.

  • Ghalwash, T (2014). Human Capital and Economic Growth in Egypt: Evidence from Error-Correction Models. Journal of Empirical Economics, Vol. 4, No. 1.

  • Ghalwash, T (2016), The Relationship between Government Size and Economic Growth, with References to Egypt. The Egyptian journal for Commercial Studies, Vol 40, No2,2016

  • Ghalwash, T (2017).The exchange rate and Macroeconomic determinants: The case of Egypt, 1990-2014. Journal of International Business and Finance (JIBF) Volume 10, Issue 1 (July),2017

  • Books and Reports :


In  Arabic:

  • Ghalwash, T.(2006). Tax System Between the Theory and Practice. El-asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2006). Contemporary  Economic Issues, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2008). Macroeconomics, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash,T.(2010). Economic Report of Kingdom of Bahrain2009-2010, Bharain Centre of Studies and Research,2010.

  •  Ghalwash, T.(2014). Microeconomics and price system, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2014). Economic Development and Planning Methods , El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2015). Economic theory- Microeconomics analysis, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2016). Economic theory- Macroeconomics analysis, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

In English :

  • Ghalwash, T.(2006). Natural Economic Resourses. Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2006). Contemporary  Economic Issues, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(2007). Public Finance and Tax system, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

  • Ghalwash, T.(20017). Microeconomic analysis, El-Asria. Mansoura. Egypt.

Paper Under work  :

  • Ghalwash, T. Determnants of the current account movments in GCC countries.

  • Impact of workforce skills on the productivity in developed countries : an Econometric analysis.


Conferences and Workshops:

  • Ghalwash, T . Estimation of the demand system in Sweden. 11th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, Ulvön, Sweden, 2004.

  • Ghalwash, T . Engle Curve estimation in Sweden. 12th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, Ulvön, Sweden, 2005.

  • Brännlund, R., Ghalwash, T. Income Distrbuation and EKC relationship. 13th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, Ulvön, Sweden, 2006.

  • Brännlund, R., Ghalwash, T. The income-pollution relationship and the role of income distribution, Evidence from Swedish household data. The Third world Congress of Environmental and Resources Economists, Koyot, Japan, July,2006.

  • Workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics and Policy, Umeå, Sweden,2005.

  • Workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics and Policy, Umeå, Sweden, 2006.

  • Workshop in productivity improvemt in kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain, April,2007

  • Workshop in relation between economic growth and productivity, Kingdom of Bahrain, August, 2008.

  • Ghalwash, T. Energy Efficiency, Energy Consumption and Rebound Effect In GCC Countries. 18th GCC-JAPAN Environment Symposium,  Bahrain Kingdom, February, 2010.

  • Ghalwash, T. proposal of VAT in GCC. VAT as a Possible Revenue Source Funding Economic Development in MENA Countries, 5th Meeting of Working Group 3 (Taxation) MENA-OECD Investment Programme,OECD, 1-2 June 2010,Manama, Bahrain.

  • Ghalwash, T. workshop in Economics technique, OECD, Paris 2011.

  • Ghalwash, T. workshop in Economics Scoor , OECD, Paris 2012.



  • Member, American economics Association.

  • European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.



  • Consultant to the committee on “flexible instruments in Economic policy”, ministry of industry, employment and communications, 2005-2006.

  • Consultant to ITPS (Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies, 2006-2007.

major external research grants

 The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

  • Project title: The dynamics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (2002-2006)

The World Bank

  • Project title: The quality assurance in Hieger Education  system (2007-2009)

  The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)

  • Project title: characterising the demand and supply of meat in Bahrain (March 2010-June 2010).


  • Full scholarship to pursue Master and PhD degrees in Sweeden, Mansoura University, 2001.

  • Nominated for Who's Who in the World 2008.

  • Nominated for Who's Who in the World 2009.

Teaching Experience & Interests (In Both Arabic & English):


  1. Advanced Econometrics ( Umea and Mansoura Universites)
  2. Econometric Analysis of Transition Data (Umea and Mansoura Universites)
  3. Intermediate regression analysis (Mansoura University)
  4. Mathematics for Economists (Mansoura University)
  1. Economic Theory Analysis (Umea and Mansoura Universites)
  2. Public Fianance (Mansoura University)
  3. Enviornmental Economics
  4. Econometric Theory
  5. Understanding Economic Behaviour: Households, Firms And Market(D319), (Arab Open University-Egypt Branch)
  6. Basic Course In The Computer Science
  7. Contemporary Economic Problem
  8. Economic Resources
  9. Contemporary Economic Problems(Arab Open University-Egypt Branch)
  10. Development Problem in the Arab world (Arab Open University-Egypt Branch)
  11. Economic Theory (ph.d level), Mansoura University, 2009-2014.
  12. Macroeconomics(undergraduate level) mansoura University, 2015-2017).

 Research areas

  • Islamic Finance
  • Finanicial Econometrics
  • Macro and Micro econometric Analysis
  • Public Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Labor Economic
  • Consumer Analysis and Income Distribution

Computing Skills:

  • Experienced in TSP,RATS, MATLAB, SPSS, MiniTab, SigmaPlot, Scientific WorkPlace and Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc).


  • Fluent in English  (Written and spoken)
  • Good written and spoken Swedish
  • Mother tongue: Arabic.


I have served as a referee for

References :

  • Dr. William Smith
    Professor and Chair for The Department of Economics
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Kurt Brannas, Professor of Econometrics

Address: Umea University, Economics Department, 901 87 Umea, Sweden

E_mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Runar Brannlund, Professor of Economic

Address: Umea University, Economics Department, 901 87 Umea, Sweden

E_mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • karl-gustaf.lofgren, Professor of Economic

Address: Umea University, Ecomoics Department, 901 87 Umea, Sweden

E_mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Pere Riera, Professor Economic

Address: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Applied Economic Department

                08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

E_mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Connect with us en

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Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

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