Vision, mission and goals

Our Vision

Faculty of Commerce at Mansoura University leadership of the faculties of commerce in the Egyptian and Arab universities. That is by providing student, research, and community services within the framework of international quality standards, human values, and ethics, as to qualify our faculty to lead the business sector, leaving the specificity of the culture of the Egyptian society mindful.

Our Mission

The Faculty of Commerce, Mansoura University, seeks to provide a supportive  environment for teaching, learning, scientific research, and it pays attention to community issues and problems.

That  qualifies our faculty to lead the Faculties of Commerce in Egyptian and Arab universities through:

  • Developing the student’s personality and improving his skills in line with the requirements of the labor market.

  • Developing academic programs in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to achieve the desired competitiveness locally and regionally.

  • Spreading the use of E-learning in all scientific departments.

  • Spreading and deepening the knowledge culture among students, employees, faculty members and their assistants.

  • Promote scientific research and support cooperation with scientific research centers locally, regionally, and internationally.

  • Dedicating the potential capabilities of the faculty to serve community issues and problems.

  • Developing teaching and learning strategies to raise the performance levels of students in the faculty.

Our Strategic Objectives:

  • Promote and develop teaching and learning.

  • Promote and develop graduate studies programs in the college to meet the community's needs of professional development.

  • Promote and develop scientific research in the faculty in a way that helps the economic development of society.

  • Promote and develop community services.

  • Strengthen administrative and organizational capabilities and developing self-financing.

  • Obtaining academic accreditation.

Our Philosophy:

The Faculty of Commerce at Mansoura University performs its various educational, research and service activities considering the requirements of quantitative and qualitative quality assurance, giving great attention to the elements of time and cost.

Connect with us en

Al-Gomhoria Street, Mansoura University,

Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

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