07 04


Dean's message

drtareqghalwashOn behalf of all our faculty, staff and students,

 welcome to the faculty of commerce-Mansoura University!

To our students, we are so proud of your resilience, tenacity, patience, and success as we pivoted to remote learning last year. We will be happy to see you at our campus, and I want you to know that the campus is working diligently to deliver on our commitment that your learning experience, be it online or in the classroom, will be vibrant, rigorous, and engaging.

To our Faculty, despite a health crisis that has upended our lives, you have worked tirelessly mastering new technologies, adapting or creating new syllabi, and maintaining our School’s reputation in Mansoura university.

To our staff,  you are the backbone that supports our college and we appreciate your willingness to be nimble and take on every challenge this year has thrown at us.

To all of our faculty of commerce-Mansoura university alumni

  THANK YOU for staying engaged and connected with us.

In general, we are going to face challenges as we try to move things forward, and things will not be perfect. However, I commit that I, the Faculty’s Administrative Team, and all of our colleagues will continue to work together in the best ways we can.

Finally, this year Mansoura University celebrating the fiftieth anniversary, I offer greetings to all our alumni, friends and colleagues, those connected with us over the years and others yet to come!

Tarek Ghalwash

Connect with us en

Al-Gomhoria Street, Mansoura University,

Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

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