Student care

  • Strategy and Objectives

Student welfare strategy and objectives

Discovering distinguished student talents and leaders and working to refine them, develop their skills and normalize them to hold on to spiritual and moral values and national awareness, accustom them to assume leadership responsibility and provide opportunities for them to express their views, spread a healthy collective spirit, document the ties between faculty members and students, and organize the utilization of youth energies in community service, including Returns to religion and the country with all good.

Student welfare goals include the various student activities committees, which are:

Student teams Committee:

It aims to encourage and form student families, activate their activities, provide technical support to them, organize a festival, workshops and training courses for students, support them financially and technically, and establish student initiatives and campaigns.

Sports Activity Committee:

It aims to spread sportsmanship among students, encourage sports talents, work to develop them, organize matches, competitions, courses and sports festivals within the college and at the university level, and provide tools, sportswear and material and moral incentives for students.

Cultural Activity Committee:

It aims at developing awareness of the nation's issues, unleashing students' intellectual, creative, cultural and informational energies, spreading the culture of human rights, consolidating the values of positive participation, following up the provision of halls, equipment and machinery for competitions, issuing cultural magazines and pamphlets, developing skills, and establishing specialized cultural clubs such as the literature club, for example, and various simulation models.

Artistic Activity Committee:

It aims to work on upgrading the taste, developing the aesthetic and artistic sense of the students, developing and refining the artistic talents of the students and providing the students' needs (materials - tools - clothes - machines) and all the equipment required for the activity, issuing technical publications and holding festivals, artistic parties and plays.

Mobile and Public Service Committee:

It aims at raising awareness of the goals and foundations of the Scout Movement, spreading its ideas, developing leadership skills, the ability to assume responsibility and self-reliance, and developing the scouting and personal skills of students through camps, trips, training courses and workshops, and providing materials, clothes and tools necessary for the activity.

Social Activity and Excursions Committee:

It aims to hold seminars and conferences, revive national and religious events, develop social ties between students and between faculty members and workers, spread the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood and spread the collective spirit in them.

And organizing social, cultural and entertainment trips and camps that help students learn about the landmarks of Egypt and the world.

It aims to provide social support to the incapable, people with special needs, the sick, orphans and the elderly, internally and externally.

Scientific and Technological Activity Committee:

It aims to encourage students to scientific research and participate in scientific activities by holding seminars, lectures and scientific conferences with the aim of developing the scientific and innovative capabilities of students, and working to provide training opportunities, refining students' skills, publishing student research and innovations in scientific journals, and providing tools and materials necessary for scientific activities.

  • Activities

Student activities implemented by Student Welfare during the first semester:

For the academic year 2019/2020

First: - Sports activity:

1- A table tennis tournament was held to receive new and old students at the beginning of the new academic year 2019/2020 from 9/21 to 9/26/2019

2- Running a tournament in futsal football from 10/12/2019 to 10/17/2019

3- Participation in the university general tournament and the budget is 7140 pounds as a food allowance + 13970 pounds for sports clothes from 5% student activities in group and individual games for boys and girls, which are as follows:

  • Futsal football for students from 10/15 to 10/22/2019, participating students (15)
  • Basketball for students from 10/27 to 11/12/2019 Participating students (20)
  • Volleyball for students from 10/20 to 11/26/2019 Participating students (20)
  • Handball for female students, from 10/15 to 11/26/2019: Female students (15)
  • Basketball female students, from 10/16 to 11/3/2019: Participating students (15)
  • Futsal football for female students, from 10/15 to 11/29/2019: Participating students (10)
  • Table tennis from 10/21 to 10/22/2019, the participating students (10) boys (5) girls
  • Tennis from 10/28 to 10/29/2019 for the participating students (3) boys (1) girls
  • Wrestling on 11/12/2019, participating students (7)
  • Judo, on 11/13/2019, participating students (5)
  • Body building, on 11/18/2019, the participating students (7)
  • Squash, on November 26, 2019, for the participating students (2) boys (1) girls.

4- The college won first place in volleyball for boys, third place in girls ’basketball, third place in girls’ handball, and first place in bodybuilding.

5- The sport activity, in cooperation with the Union, organized a table tennis tournament on 10/23, 10/24/2019, and the budget is 325 pounds from the Students' Union. Financial rewards for students.

6- Conducting a week of activities for students of the Union in agricultural wrestling, abdominal exercises and pressure, on 11/4/2019, in which (50) students and (30) students participated, and the budget is 3450 from the students' union.

Second: - Cultural activity

  1. Receiving new and current students for the academic year 2019/2020 in the period from 9/21 to 26/9/2019 The number of participating students (41) students (33) female students from cultural activity on the campus of the college where participation forms were distributed to the college students and introduced to them the nature of Activity.
  2. The cultural activity students participated in Mansoura University’s celebration of the glorious October victory under the slogan (Victory is an ally of Egypt) on October 8, 2019 inside the university campus, and the number of participating students is (7) male and (5) female students.
  3. Participating with the General Administration for Student Welfare in the Noble Qur’an and Nuclear Hadith competition organized by the General Administration from 9/29 to 10/30/2019 at the General Administration for Student Welfare at the level of university colleges and the number of participating students is (2) male and (1) female students.
  4. Organizing a "civic education" course for college students, in cooperation with the Cultural Activity Department of the General Administration for Student Welfare, in the period from 10/8 to 10/10/2019 at the General Administration for Student Welfare. Certificates of appreciation and material prizes for students participating by the General Administration of Student Welfare.
  5. Participation with (18) male students and (32) female students in the seminar of the preacher / Habib Al-Jafri, on October 13, 2019, in the conference hall of the university administration, with the participation of the university's faculties.
  6. Participation with (16) male and (14) female students in the media seminar / Nashwa Al-Houfi under the title "You are the army of your country", on October 29, 2019, in the conference hall of the university with the participation of the university's faculties.
  7. The college organized a cultural festival at the level of the university’s colleges in the following competitions (The Noble Qur’an - Religious Singing - Colloquial and Classical Poetry) on the occasion of the Noble Prophet’s birthday from 11/2 to 11/7/2019 in the college’s conference hall and the number of participating students is (85) Male and female students (70) and the budget is 10200 h / 5% directed affiliation. Material prizes, Qur’ans and certificates of appreciation were distributed to the winning students in the competitions.
  8. The cultural activity, in cooperation with the artistic activity of the college, organized a ceremony on the occasion of the Noble Prophet’s birthday. Prof. Dr. Tariq Mustafa Ghulosh - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs distributed prizes to the winning students in the cultural festival competitions on 11/13/2019 at Prof. Yahya Obeid in college.
  9. Participating with (19) students and (11) female students in the poet and journalist / Jamal Al-Shaer symposium, on November 19, 2019, in the conference hall, administered by the university, with the participation of university colleges, and one student from the College of Commerce recited poetry and another student of religious chanting.
  10. Participation in the Noble Qur’an competition organized by the Faculty of Law with (4) students and (3) female students, with the participation of all faculties of the university, on November 28, 2019, and the college won the third place in the half of the Holy Qur’an and the first and first repeated in the quarter of the Holy Qur’an.
  11. Participation in the creativity competition with (2) students, (1) female student in the poetry competition, and (1) student in the essay competition, and (1) female student in the novel and handover competition until 11/28/2019 in the Cultural Activity Department of the General Administration for Student Welfare.
  12. The elections for the Literature Club of the College were announced on Sunday 1/12/2019 and the nomination for the position of Secretary of the Literature Club and Assistant Secretary of the Literature Club was announced. On Sunday 12/8/2019, the elections were scheduled to be held in the presence of members and the number of attendees (13). The elections were held and counted. Votes and the record was terminated and the result of the count was announced.
  13. The cultural activity, in cooperation with the Cultural Committee of the College of Commerce Students' Union, organized the first cultural salon at the Union’s headquarters on Tuesday 3/12/2019 and the participants recited poetry, singing, playing and religious chanting.
  14. Cultural activity, in cooperation with the Cultural Committee of the College of Commerce Students' Union, organized by the English Club at the Union’s headquarters on Thursday 5/12/2019, and the participants held the talks in English.
  15. Participating with (12) male and (18) female students in a symposium under the title "Egypt Challenges of the Past and Future Prospects", in which Colonel Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Majeed - from the Command of the Air Defence Forces - was lecturing on 10/12/2019 in the conference hall of the university with the participation of colleges the University.

 Third: The activity of student teams

  1. The teams of the college participated in the (reception week for new students) that was set up by the Student Welfare Department in the college from 9/21/2019 to 9/26/2019, with 20 students.
  2. A fitness competition administered by the teams and unions at the university in the period from 01/10/2019, in which 3 students participated
  3. The teams of the college participated in the activities of the various activities’ festival held in front of the Faculty of Agriculture, cultural - social - sports - artistic, which was held from Saturday 5/10/2019 to Wednesday 9/10/2019, where twenty students participated. In the queue of the presentation that was held on Wednesday 9/10/2019, the Vice President of the University and the Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs inaugurated the exhibition and praised his Excellency for the college exhibition at the festival, and the college participated with (20) students from among the students The Caspian family.
  4. Participation in the chess championship for students of the teams of the university colleges during the period from Monday, 10/21/2019 to Wednesday, 10/23/2019, with (2) students who are distinguished students in the game of chess.
  5. The teams of the faculty participated in the activities of (the Faculty of Commerce Diverse teams Festival held in the faculty in front of Amphitheatre Professor. Ibrahim Al Mahdi, which was held from Monday 10/21/2019 to Wednesday 23/10/2019, where four teams participated in the number of twenty A male and a female student for every team. The Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs inaugurated the festival. The budget is 4,320 pounds from h / student activities
  6. Participation in the public information league championship for the teams of the university colleges during the period from Tuesday 19/11/2019 to Thursday 21/11/2019. Three students participated and won third place at the university level.
  7. - Participation of teams’ activities in the exchange competitions program (technical - cultural - social - sports) held at the College of Computers and Information on Monday 9/12/2019, and 15 students from the participated teams.
  8. It was a basic activity - a comprehensive sports forum (five feet) - a table tennis tournament - ran 50 meters - ran 50 meters - was conducted and funded for three days in the tartan stadiums in the Olympic Village and two days in the college, in which 75 students participated in the budget 4900 pounds from h / 5% Affiliation Prompt
  9. Holding a team activity with a committee, the Students' Union, an artistic ceremony on Thursday 12/12/2019 at Amphitheatre of Professor. Yehia Obeid in the college at twelve in the afternoon with a budget of 3450 from the account of the Students Union greeted by the following gentlemen:
  • Lecture about the digital transformation by the engineer. Muhammad Khalif Muhammad Awad.
  • An interview with the poet / Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim Farag
  • A segment of the singer / Ziad Adel Taha Othman

Fourth: Artistic activity

A reception festival for college current and new students at the beginning of the new academic year on Tuesday 24/9/2019 throughout the first week of study, where the college’s talents in singing and music were reviewed, the theater team made a theatrical sketch and the budget for the festival was an amount of 26,000 EGP from the account of the educational services.

Participation in the University's Carnival (The Victories of the October War) under the slogan of Allied Victory on Tuesday October 18, 2019, with the participation of (70) students.

The implementation of the drawing workshop with lead and charcoal on the occasion of the anniversary of the October victories from Wednesday, 10/13/2019 to Sunday, 10/20/2019, with the participation of (35) students, honoring the winning students in the workshop, and granting the participating students certificates of appreciation and the budget for spending on the workshop an amount of 10425 EGP from student activities (butterfly rent + screen + banners), the amount of 12060 EGP required for the workshop, of 5% guided affiliation.

Organizing a ceremony on the occasion of the Noble Prophet's birthday, on Wednesday 13/11/2019, at an amount of 31935 EGP, from 5% of affiliation directed.

The artistic activity, in cooperation with the Technical Committee of the Students' Union, organized a workshop for drawing with lead and charcoal for you from 28/11 to 2/12/2019

Participation in the theatrical festival for the academic year 2019/2020 organized by the General Administration for Student Welfare, where the theatrical performance of the “Culture Palace” play “The Last Winter Dance” took place on Monday 9/12/2019 and the theatrical performance received the Shield of Excellence and the budget for spending on the play was 33,000 EGP from the account of Student activities, and theatrical performance fees are 28900 EGP, out of 5% guided affiliation.

Fifth: - The wanderer and the public service

  1. The New Students Reception Committee from 9/21 to 9/26/2019, and the number of participating students is (10) students (5) female students.
  2. A Scout Traditions workshop, on 28/9/2019, and the number of participating students (17) students (8) female students in the college
  3. A first aid workshop on 1/10/2019, and the number of participating students is (14) students (7) female students in the college.
  4. Ballat training sessions workshop, on 3/10/2019, and the number of participating students (12) students (8) students in the college.
  5. A workshop of training sessions for the types of fire, on 10/10/2019, and the number of participating students (12) male and (6) female students in the college.
  6. A training workshop for holding and connections, on 10/15/2019, and the number of participating students is (12) students (6) female students in the college.
  7. Clan preparation and selection camp from 11/2 to 11/7/2019, and the number of participating students is (14) male and (7) female students in the scout camp at the university and `college.
  8. The meeting of the clan's board of directors, on December 14, 2019, at the college, and the number of the participating students was (9) male and (5) female students.

Sixth: scientific and technological activity:

  1. The scientific and technological activity received new and current students for the new academic year 2019/2020, distributed participation forms to the students and introduced them to the nature of the activity during the period from 9/21 to 9/26/2019.
  2. Holding a scientific information competition inside the stands among the college’s students. In-kind prizes were distributed to the winning students in the competition on 3/10/2019 and 5/10/2019, and the number of participating students was (115) male and (207) female students.
  3. Participating in the entrepreneurship and leadership and administrative skills course in cooperation with the Department of Scientific and Technological Activity at the General Administration of Student Welfare and the (ENUCTUS) team, for a period of three weeks, starting on October 19, 2019, and (8) students and (4) students participated in it.
  4. The establishment of a free computer course for college students in the computer halls for scientific and technological activity of the General Administration for Student Welfare, during the period from 10/27/2019 to 11/28/2019, and (7) students and (13) female students participated in it, and the budget was 1,440 EGP.

Certificates of appreciation to students participating in the ICDL course was distributed by Prof. Tarek Moustafa Ghalwash the Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs.

  1. The elections for the science and technology club in the college were announced on Monday 12/2/2019, and the nomination for the position of Secretary of the Science and Technology Club and Assistant Secretary of the Science and Technology Club was decided on Monday 9/12/2019 to hold the elections in the presence of members and the number of attendees (12) The elections were held and the vote counted, the record was terminated, and the counting result was announced.
  • Subscription rules

Rules for participation in the activity of people with special needs:

  • Students with special needs must go to the Student Welfare Department to register their data with the supervisors of their own activity and to provide all aspects of care and services that they need and to solve any difficulties they face
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in scientific and technological activity:

  • Formation of the Technology and Science Club
  • Holding exhibitions of science technology and software
  • Holding competitions in scientific information and competitions in scientific research
  • Make presentations and quizzes for scientific wall magazines
  • Computer courses.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in sports activities:

  • At the beginning of each academic year, students ’sponsorships announce the formation of college teams in the following games: (soccer, basket, hand, flying, boxing, wrestling, judo, karate, weightlifting, bodybuilding, athletics, taekwondo, swimming).
  • As for the female students, they are accepted in the following games: (football - basketball - handball - volleyball).
  • The college participates in university competitions and annually obtains advanced positions in most games, and accepts applications for participation in sports teams (each game separately) and forms a committee that includes the sports committee advisor and sports supervisor to conduct the qualifiers for each game and choose the most valid elements.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in social activities and excursions:

Scientific and recreational trips are organized according to the student welfare plan, which is prepared every year under the supervision of the General Supervisor of the Federation and the advisor of the Social Committee and trips. These trips are supported by the Ministry of Youth and the Sports Authority and the budget for supporting activities from the university as well as trips organized by student families, and the competent supervisor announces the trip plan that has been raised.

The General Administration for Student Welfare at the University can participate in these trips by:

  • The student presents with the university card of the competent supervisor and pays the subscription fee, and the student must have paid the tuition fees.
  • The student obtains a receipt for participation in the trip and specifies the place of assembly and the date of the move.
  • The trip does not exceed 50 participants, with a supervisor rate for every 25 students, and a social supervisor is required in case there are female students.
  • Organizing a chess competition for male and female students at the college level to choose the team that represents the college at the university level

Rules for participating in the ideal student competition:

  • The General Administration for Student Welfare at the university notifies the colleges about the date of the competition start.
  • Each college announces the competition with the following conditions:
    • The student must be successful and transferred to the higher division.
    • The student must be one of the scientific and cultural excellence.
    • To be a practitioner of student activity.
    • To be of good behaviour.
  • The committee conducts the competition and selects the ideal male and female students and sends the names to the General Administration of Student Welfare at the university to conduct the competition at the university level.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in ambulatory activity and public service

  • At the beginning of the year, the Student Welfare Department announces the formation of a mobile clan.
  • Those wishing to register their names.
  • A camp is held to select members of the clan under the supervision of the rangers.
  • The student attends a training camp.
  • The clan is chosen.
  • The clan carries out its activity after identifying and registering individuals.
  • Holding workshops for students' talents, participating in scouting and extension courses, setting up scout camps, public service, scouting and environmental trips.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in the activity of student teams:

  • The formation of student families is announced from the first day of studying at the university
  • Registration continues until December 31 of each academic year.
  • It is required that the student be enrolled in the college and pay university fees.
  • The family is considered registered if the family’s legal quorum is reached, which is 50 students.
  • To register student families, the following steps must be followed:
  • After its formation, the family leader submits an application for family registration in which the name of the family leader is specified from among the faculty members and the approval of writing on the leadership of the family, along with a list of family members with no less than 20 students and his student, as well as the family general assembly minutes.
  • A membership form is made, indicating the membership conditions, approved by Student Affairs and Family Leader.
  • Family formation is offered to the Federation Major for approval.
  • The family pays the prescribed registration fees after the approval of the Federation’s Major General and then completes the registration papers (Family Program - Family Committees) so that the family is not less than fifty students and their students.
  • The approval of the Union Major must be obtained before engaging in any family activity.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.

Rules for participating in artistic activity:

The college organizes exhibitions and competitions to show talents (performing singing playing) as well as holding a ceremony at the end of the activities at the end of the year to honour students and encourage artistic talents, according to the following procedures:

  • The administration announces the formation of theatrical groups and competitions to select the best elements in singing, choral music, and art exhibitions are held in the plastic arts, drawing, natural photography, handicrafts, sculpture, pottery engraving ... etc.
  • The announcement is made to students interested in various artistic activities.
  • The names of students wishing to participate in the technical fields are registered.
  • The student submits his work to the activity supervisor at the Youth Welfare Department of the College (if he is talented in the field of theatrical activity and was chosen by the supervisor), then he applies to the theatre director. As for exhibitions, the following is required:
  • That the exhibition be held during the academic year.
  • That the exhibition be held inside the college buildings.
  • The exhibition should be restricted to students' artwork.
  • The competent authority must submit a request to obtain the approval of the Dean of the College to hold the exhibition.
  • The competent authority must submit a request to obtain the approval of the Dean of the College to hold the exhibition.
  • The family leader shall implement the provisions of these regulations regarding exhibitions.
  • Notify the General Administration for Student Welfare at the university to arbitrate the competition and participate in the university exhibition.
  • The university's security department is notified by the Student Welfare Department of the duration, opening date, nature and location of the exhibition well in advance of the opening.
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes

Membership of students’ unions

Student unions are the only legal organizations for university students that represent them before the concerned authorities, and organize and ensure the exercise of all student activities.

The federations ’councils and committees are elected by the end of November every year, and a decision is issued by Prof. The university president determines the detailed dates for the elections. No applicant is entitled to vote unless he is registered in the lists of students who have the right to vote and bears proof of identity.

Those who apply for candidacy for membership in federations councils' committees must fulfil the following conditions:

  • To be an Egyptian citizen.
  • To be of good character and has a good reputation.
  • To be a passed student, and he does not fail or remain in the same year for any reason.
  • He must have paid union fees.
  • To be a person of remarkable activity in the field of work of the committee in which he is running.
  • He should not have been sentenced to a freedom-restricting penalty or a decision to drop or suspend his membership in one of the student unions or its committees.

The nomination shall be submitted in writing by writing a form prepared by the university for that.

Rules for participating in cultural activity

The college organized cultural competitions throughout the year according to the program prepared in the Department of Student Welfare and the Cultural Committees of the Union and Student Families. These competitions revolve around religious, national and social research in the fields of poetry, short story and zajal, and student competitions in general information and wall magazines. Committees are formed to arbitrate these competitions that include senior writers under Supervising the pioneer of cultural activity and the pioneer of the Student Families Committee

The steps to participate in this activity are as follows:

  • Announcing competitions
  • Advance research
  • Set up a correction committee
  • Announcing the winners
  • Topics (cultural - political - religious - national - social).
  • Students who win competitions and participate in the activity are awarded valuable cash and in-kind prizes.


Social Solidarity Fund:

For the student to apply for student sponsorship, withdraw a social research form, and complete the required papers:

  • A search of the social affairs affiliated to it according to the place of residence and a copy of the parent and student card.
  • Income statement, whether salary, pension, or income declaration for liberal professions.
  • Agricultural possession certificate for rural residents.
  • In the event of the death of the father or mother, bring a copy of the death certificate.
  • In case the parents separate, bring a copy of the divorce certificate.

Services provided by Social Solidarity Fund:

  • Paying expenses
  • Cash benefits
  • Prosthetic devices
  • medical glasses
  • The administrative structure




Mr. Emad Ali Hamed

 Manager Director

Miss. Samira Mohamed Kira

Miss. Zeinab Morsi

Mr. Mohamed Farouk

Ambulatory activity

Miss. Samira Mohamed Kira

Miss. Zeinab Morsi

Teams Activities

Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Kader

Miss. Doaa Muhammad Mansour

Social Activities

Miss. Doaa Muhammad Mansour

Mr. Mohamed Farouk

Art activities

Miss. Mona Milad Mitri

Miss. Fatima Ali

cultural activities

Miss. Mona Milad Mitri

Miss. Fatima Ali

Scientific and technological activity

Mr. Fouad Mohamed Fouad

Mr. Reda Al-Essawi

Mr. Ahmed Abdel Kader

Mr. Amr Zaki

Miss. Ghada Mohamed Mustafa

Miss. Heba Mostafa El Maghawry

Sports activity

  • Contact us:

To contact students

Communication with departments within the college:

Through the COM-EData program of the College's E-Learning Administration.

Connect with us en

Al-Gomhoria Street, Mansoura University,

Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

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