About the Department


 To meet the requirements of labor markets in the insurance and applied statistics field, the Department of Applied Statistics and Insurance began working with faculty's inception to develop an integrated scientific plan that aims to qualify students specialized in statistical and insurance sciences by providing them with the knowledge and skills required by labor markets. Faculty members In the Department of Applied Statistics and Insurance seek to reinforce the university and faculty mission as follows:

  • Promoting scientific research in statistics and insurance field.
  • Serving the community and developing the surrounding environment by providing statistical and insurance consultations and providing training opportunities for graduates and qualifying them according to the requirements of the insurance market at all levels, whether locally or internationally.  
  • Contributing to qualify students to work in various institutions in risk management and insurance field.


The department seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Preparing students who specialize in statistics and insurance and who are qualified to work in all sectors including the economic, financial and commercial ones to meet the needs and requirements of society.
  • Providing educational institutions with faculty members who specialize in teaching statistics and insurance.
  • The collaboration with the other faculty departments in research projects and studies that the university undertakes to serve the community in the economic and financial fields.
  • Preparing training programs and courses about the use of various statistical and insurance programs and methods and their applications in economic, financial and administrative sciences.
  • Providing outstanding academic programs to grant a bachelor’s degree in insurance, focusing on risk management and insurance in the field of underwriting, pricing and marketing the insurance service, in addition to settlement of claims.
  • Improving the level of research in insurance and statistical fields by publishing these researches in international journals that have a high impact factor.
  • Serving the community by providing professional training programs for specialists and providing consulting services to various agencies.
  • Analyzing statistical data using specialized computer programs and holding courses in data analysis filed to assist students from various disciplines and faculties in that field.

Research Plan

  1. Research Projects
  2. Insurance:

 Issuing insurance policies related to covering the new risks that emerge from digital economy and digital transformations in Egypt.

  • Applying health insurance in Egypt considering its reality and how it can be financed.
  • Using actuarial and probabilistic methods in pricing property insurance.
  • Processing the investment of insurance funds.
  • Creating life tables using exponential families and probability distributions.
  • Using hurricane theory in calculating the appropriate surplus for insurance companies
  • Using compound probability models in pricing reinsurance and determining the appropriate retention limits.
  1. Statistics
    • Using and consolidating time series techniques for data modeling.
      • Deriving new statistical distributions.
      • Using the recent statistical methods and applying them to solve the problems of the surrounding community.
      • A statistical study on the probability density functions and finding the distribution of the probability function of the distribution ratio for two samples.
      • The use of nonparametric methods in analyzing data.
      • Generalization of some families of statistical distributions.
      • Using the new probability distributions and applying them to the problems of Mansoura University hospitals.
  1. Conferences:
  • • It is planned to hold a conference for the department in November under the care of Prof. Dr. President of Mansoura University.
  • • Participation in the Faculty's annual conference.
  1. Seminars
  2. Insurance
    • The social insurance system considering the new social insurance law (advantages - disadvantages - means of financing)
    • The new health insurance system (advantages - disadvantages - means of financing)
  1. Statistics:
    • The role of statistics in the business life.
    • Statistical analysis of data and methods of handling missing data.
  1. Discussion Seminars

The seminars are regularly held on the second Sunday of every month at the department level, during which global and local developments and their impact on applied statistics and insurance are discussed.

Connect with us en

Al-Gomhoria Street, Mansoura University,

Mansoura, Egypt, Postal Code: 35516

  • dummy 2203013 50 20+

  • dummy2202049 50 20+

  • dummy comfac@mans.edu.eg

  • dummy Comussaoffice@mans.edu.eg

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