المتحدثون الرئيسيون





Prof. Saeed Al-Muharrami

Dept. of Economics and Finance

College of Economics and Political Science

Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman

Saeed Al-Muharrami is a Full Professor with a high level expert in Finance, Banking, and Monetary Economics.Also,he is a Member of the State Council (Majlis Al-Dawla)in Sultanate of Oman.He was the Dean of the College of Economics and Political Science at Sultan Qaboos University in Sultanate of Oman from March 2014 to July 2017, before that he was the Director of Humanities Research Center. In addition, he was appointed as Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC, USA during 2011 and 2012. He received his B.Sc. in Finance in 1988 from University of Arizona, U.S.A, his MBA in 1994 from Oregon State University, U.S.A, and his PhD in 2005 from Cardiff University, U.K. He has written 4 books and 5 chapters. In addition, he has written several scientific, working papers, and publications. His publications are very well received and highly cited by 505 economists, academicians, bankers, and researchers. Prof. Saeed received many awards in research, teaching, and in his distinguished leadership. He is a regular speaker on international conferences and economic and business meetings worldwide. Three of his publications are taught in four universities: Two Australian Universities, an American University, and a Saudi University.







Prof. Rita Bendaravičienė

Director of Vytautas Magnus University‘s Quality and Strategy Office, Assistant at the Faculty of Economics and Management, member of the Senate Commission of Study Organization and Quality Management. 

Born in 1974 in Kaunas. Gained the degrees of Bachelor of Sociology (1992–1996) and Master of Comparative Politics (1996–1998) at Vytautas Magnus University. Completed the intensive course of comparative politics at the University of Bergen in Norway in 1997. Studied Staff Management programme under Master degree studies of Management at the ISM University of Management and Economics in 2003–2004, and the postgraduate Gestalt Method study programme of Individual Work Training at the Kaunas Gestalt Study Centre in 2005–2006. Pursued a doctoral degree at Vytautas Magnus University (2010–2014) and earned her PhD degree in Social Sciences in 2014.





Prof. Igor O. Tyumentsev

Mr. Tyumentsev is specialist in History of Russia, author and co-author of more than 230 of scientific works including two individual works: «Russian Archive of Jan Piotr Sapieha from 1608 to 1611»«Diary of Jan Piotr Sapieha from 1608 to 1611», «Defense of Trinity and Sergey’s Monastery from 1608 to 1610» and «Time of Troubles in Russia in early XVII century: False Dmitry II movement», seven collective manuscripts, one volume of documents and materials, three text-books and a number of scientific articles published in Russia, Hungary, Poland and France.

From 1984 to 26 March, 2008 worked In Volgograd State University: as assistant instructor of the Chair of History of USSR (1984-1986), senior instructor (1989-1991), Associate Professor (Docent) (1991-2001), Professor (2001-2008) of the Chair of History of Russia; the Dean of Historical Faculty (1991-1993), Vice-Rector on Studies and Methodical Work (1993-1996), Deputy Director of Research Institute on Problems of Economic History of Russia in ХХ century. of Volgograd State University (1996-2000), Vice-Rector on Studies and the Dean of the Faculty of History and International Relations (2000), Vice-Rector on Studies and Education (2001-2005), Director of Research Institute on Problems of Economic History of Russia in ХХ century. of Volgograd State University and the Head of the Laboratory of Regional History and Cossacks at the South Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (2005-2006), Vice-Rector on Scientific Work and the Head of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences at the South Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (2007).




Prof. Mihaela Diaconu

University of Pitesti, Faculty of Economic and Law Sciences.

President of the University Senate - University of Pitesti - February 2016 – present

Director of the Research, Analysis and Economic Modeling Center 2013-2015

Director of the Center for Scientific Research and Business Administration 2012-2013

Director Center for Counseling and Vocational Guidance, Monitoring Labor Market Insertion June 2012-2015

Interim Director of Accounting Department 25 July 2011-30 September 2011

Chief of Economics and Business Administration, University of Pitesti, April 1, 2009 to July 24, 2011

Head of Department of Management-Marketing-International Economic Relations, Constantin Brâncoveanu University Piteşti 2008-February 2009

Dean of the Faculty of Marketing Management in Economics, Constantin Brâncoveanu University Piteşti 2000-2004, 2004-2008

Scientific Secretary of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Marketing Management in Economics, Constantin Brâncoveanu University Piteşti 1996-1999

Member of the National Union of Authorized Evaluators in Romania





Amalia Dutu

PhD associate professor at Faculty of Economic Sciences, Department of Management and Business Administration, University of Piteşti.

She currently holds the position of Head of Academic Marketing Department. She has also been working as a freelance consultant since 2010, and has conducted several consultancy missions regarding Internal Managerial Control Standards in the local public administration in Romania. The main research interests: market orientation implementation; the shifts of consumers’ behavior in uncertainty; and the extension of the market orientation within the practice of public administration and higher education institutions, new product development (NPD) by cross-functional teams.






Prof. Karim Fahir Naama

University of Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Theories and International Economic Relations,

Professor Karim Naama, Doctor of Economic and Political Sciences, was born in Baghdad, Republic of Iraq on December 26th, 1959. He is a lecturer at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, at the Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Theory and International Economic Relations. He has gained valuable experience in international relations and especially in issues regarding the Arab countries and the Near East. He has specialized in several Arab higher education institutions. He has numerous publications in the sphere of international and regional economy and policy. He has participated in a number of research projects including such initiated by the Association of Arab Universities.







Researcher & Assistant Professor Economics of migration, Labour economics, Behavioural Economics

Associate professor at The British University in Egypt

Experienced French Researcher and Assistant Professor, with a solid European think tank background and international teaching experience, currently based in Egypt (since 2014).

Hélène has a very good knowledge of economics of migration, behavioural economics and labour economics. She conducts most of her research in these fields and is keen on developing her econometrics skills. Fond of travelling, she has lived and given classes in three different continents (Europe, Africa, and Asia) to more than 25 different student nationalities.

She has worked as a consultant on migration for different private organizations and research centers, has a solid expertise in EU-decision making process and policies.

Hélène provides policy inputs, participates regularly in public debates and enjoys taking

part as a scientist on research projects and expert group







Dr. SYED S. Ali Shah

Curriculum vitae (updated Feb. 2017)
Economics (Macro, International and Monetary), Finance
Economics Department, School of Business,
American University in Cairo, EGYPT
Email: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.
Professional Experience
Current Positions
Since July 2014 Assistant Professor, American University in Cairo (AUC), Cairo, Egypt
Economics Department, School of Business
Since May 2013 Research & Teaching Fellow, OSCE Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Since Sept. 2012 Research Associate, Laboratory LEM (CNRS – UMR 9221), USTL – Lille, France
Previous Positions
Feb 2013 – June 2014 Lecturer, IESEG School of Management, Lille & Paris, France
2012 - 2013 Lecturer, Coventry University, U.K. (Nantes)
Oct. 2012 Consultant on the Financial issues, Confrontations Europe, Brussels based think-tank
2009 - 2011 Lecturer (ATER), University of Lille2, Lille France.
May 2003 –June 2006 Research Economist (Deputy Director) – Research and Monetary Policy 

Department, Central Bank of Pakistan





Dr. Dimitrios Paparas

Associate Professor The British University in Egypt  

and Harper Adams University

PhD (2008-2012) 2008-2012 at the University of East London, Royal Docks Business School, U.K. 

Postgraduate Certificate (2012-2013) in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of East London, CASS School, U.K. 

Postgraduate Diploma (2014-2015) in Learning and Teaching with Technology, Keele University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, U.K. 

  • 2007 July-August, Researcher (Student practical) in National Institution of Agricultural research.   

    2008-2009 Teaching assistant, Kingston University of London, School of Economics, UK.   

    2009-2010 Lecturer, Kingston University of London, School of Economics and Business school. 

    2010- January 2013 Lecturer, University of East London, Royal Docks Business school.   

    January 2013- September 2013 Senior Researcher in Hellenic Army General Staff, History Directorate 

    January 2017-July 2017 Visiting Professor-Researcher, German University in Cairo, Egypt.   

    September 2013- January 2018 Senior Lecturer in Economics and Business Enterprise, Harper Adams University, U.



    المؤتمر السنوي الدولي

         السابع والعشرون


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  • dummy comfac@mans.edu.eg

  • dummy Comussaoffice@mans.edu.eg

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